Create Service Tokens

Service tokens are associated with an Equinix Fabric port and shared with another user to authorize that user to create a connection to (Z-side tokens) or from (A-side tokens) your port.

Create an A-Side Service Token

  1. Log in to Equinix Fabric.

  2. On the Service Tokens menu, click Create Service Token.

  3. In the Basic Information section, click A-side Connection Service Token.

  4. Select a location.

  5. Select a port within the selected location.

  6. In the VLAN ID field, enter the VLAN.

  7. Click Next: Token Details.

  8. Enter the Service Token Details.

    • Set Service Token Expiration – Indicate how many days the service token is valid before it expires. The maximum number of days is 90.

    • Connection Bandwidth Limit – Indicate the limits on the bandwidth offered by this service token.

    • Service Token Recipient – Enter the email address(es) of the user(s) who will use the service token.

  9. Click Next: Review.

  10. Review the service token configuration, details, and recipient(s).

  11. Click Create Service Token. The Service Token Created page will display with the newly created service token.

  12. Click Copy to copy the service token.

    Note: The creator of the A-side token will be billed for the connection.

Create a Z-Side Service Token

  1. Log in to Equinix Fabric.
  2. In the Service Tokens menu, click Create Service Token.

  3. In the Basic Information section, click Z-side Connection Service Token.

  4. Select a location.

  5. Select a port within the selected location.

  6. In the VLAN ID field, enter the VLAN.

  7. Click Next: Token Details.

  8. Enter the Service Token Details.

    • Set Service Token Expiration – Indicate how many days the service token is valid before it expires. The maximum number of days is 90.

    • Connection Bandwidth Limit – Indicate the limits on the bandwidth offered by this service token. A standard list of bandwidth configurations will display to give the customer (who is paying for this connection) choices. To delete from the list, click Delete. To add to the list, click Add another speed.

    • Service Token Recipient – Enter the email address(es) of the user(s) who will use the service token.

  9. Click Next: Review.

  10. Review the service token configuration, details, and recipient(s).

  11. Click Create Service Token. The Service Token Created page will display with the newly created service token.

  12. Click Copy to copy the service token.

    Note: The creator of the Z-side token will not be billed for the connection. The owner of the A-side is billed.